Tuesday, May 27, 2008

orang aneh

this tiv banyak macam, want me to put this pic of her instead. haha but kinda cool, it's the right immitation of the middle finger emoticon. this is a pic of her and amerie, a girl who sits next to me in hist105 class. lol. nah tiv, ur hot pic haha

and then, this shun jie told me some funny shits, literally speaking. read the convo ahead

[Shun] - Totally different says:
omg omg
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
my housemate ==
[Shun] - Totally different says:
his shit
[Shun] - Totally different says:
too hard
[Shun] - Totally different says:
can't flush ==
[Shun] - Totally different says:
damn him
[Shun] - Totally different says:
no flush shit
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
then we help him flush
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
this is the fifth times
[Shun] - Totally different says:
then hor
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
== I flush for 6times
[Shun] - Totally different says:
the shit still there ==
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
he don't eat vegie
[Shun] - Totally different says:
and fruits
[Shun] - Totally different says:
that's why the shit hard like hell
[Shun] - Totally different says:
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
i laughing too hard to say anything else
[Shun] - Totally different says:

omg. dam funny right. there's more..

[Shun] - Totally different says:
helpless lar that housemate ==
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
my friend even paste the notice on the toilet door
[Shun] - Totally different says:
pls flush your shit ==
[Shun] - Totally different says:
and radioactive logo there

omg so random!! hahahaha he even sent me a pic of the poster. *click to enlarge

econs 202

there's a crazy girl in my econs class. no, not me sheesh. but she usually sits next to me. her name is tiffany. she is crazy.

suddenly in the middle of class, she decides to take pics of me. i tried to immitate the middle finger emoticon but ended up looking like a sohai hahahaha

this tiffany suka aje take pics when i look like some dumb shit. hahaha
still, pic of the day was when that crazy girl took a pic of the lecturer while she was still teaching. omgwthroflmao right! lol


Monday, May 26, 2008

i shall finally update

okay, i will finally update. im so happy cause man u won for the epl and champions league. watched both the finals at asia cafe with cynthia, ivan them. wuhoo!! glory glory man united as the reds go marching on on on!
the finals for the champions league against chelsea was very kan-cheong especially during the first half. then the pace kinda slowed down until the penalty kicks. but i must say i was very happy when drogba was given the red card. i dont like him, thats why when i found a very mean pic of him, i decided to put it in my blog haha :P

as usual, i was very happy to see my favorite player, cristiano ronaldo. he's cute and he's good ok. jangan jeles ba. he missed that penalty kick, but at least he kicked in the first goal ok. dont be mean, he made a mistake. anyways, man u won, so just be happy. okla, chelsea was also very good, but i dont like chelsea. *whispers* my dad supports chelsea. o.O
next, i must comment on american idol. i watched the last few episodes at bobby's.
archie vs cook.
both of them are really good and appeal to 2 different groups of people.
archie was great all along and cook really improved.
hence, the strongest and toughest decision ever.
but i still support archie, mainly cause he's so cute.
in the end, it was david cook who won. i guess it doesnt really matter who won cause both of them are so popular already and would definitely make it big. but somehow it just makes me wonder if what simon said influenced the results. honestly speaking, i think it did. apparently there was some lady who voted for cook 480 times. ollycow omgwth right!

ohwell, doesnt really matter. im happy for cook still though, cause he deserves it just as much. congrats, and i wish both davids the best. :)

i liked carly smithson too. she has like kick-ass style and somehow reminds me of amanda. maybe its the tattoo, maybe it's the "im gonna kick ur arse" style, i dunno. but it just reminds me of manda hahah. do u agree? lol
p/s: i still want to pinch archie's cheeks :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008


i'm evolving to become a nerd. before that... just want to say a few words about the movie we watched 'how great is our God' or something like that... it's a truely inspiring err.. talk? documentary? yea it basically talks about the stars in space (in a more complex term, astronomy) and relates it to how great is God. this is really amazing because all the while although i was interested in astronomy, i always thought men in this world were just trying to outdo God. trying to find more and more stuff to prove God doesnt exist eg proving there's no heaven above the sky when they got to the moon, now trying to find more and more planets in the universe as well as eliminating planets eg Pluto... and coming up with who owns what star if you discover it and so on. which is really ridiculous to me because i DO believe there is a God who created me. and that was what was exactly proven through that talk. there are stars that cam fit quintillions of the earth and we are just like a speck of virus on that star. can we even be considered as a virus (since they are the smallest things available) when our huge planet even needs 1000 trillion to fill up that star? and God created every single one of us in our own unique ways, in a way which no other person on the planet will be similar to us. and i think it is really amazing. all in all, when men try to outdo God by discovering more and more stuff (and make us study more and more in school), this talk just somehow opened my mind that all these are in control of God. we are just simply discovering more and more of God's creations and glory.

but i thought the best part was the laminin part. laminin is a protein in your body which binds all the muscles together (thats wad victor said). without laminin, basically your muscles arent bound together and if i didnt remember wrongly, there's one type of muscular dystrophy associated with the absence of laminin. so basically u know how important laminin is to our body, and how MUCH we would need it to keep our body intact. here's the amazing part.

see the structure of laminin? it's a CROSS. which= God. meaning that God is with us spiritually, emotionally and also physically as well. this is really very encouraging and comforting when you lose a bit of faith in Him, and u suddenly realise that He will always be with you, because you are basically made up with crosses! and u know there are millions and millions of these structures in your body. this means that God will never leave you. you may feel that you are alone during your down heart broken times, at times you wish to give up, but just think that you are never alone. God is just around you everywhere! He planned it so delicately and detailedly so He will always be inside you and with you wherever you are. He planned your formation so uniquely that if you want to read your DNA code you will need 93 years to do so. He planned for 1 million optical nerve cells to meet the other 1 million nerve cells at their very own pairings to give you sight (thats why becoming a doctor is never easy). and He cut your leviator palpebrae superioris so carefully to give you your eyelids so you can blink and help in the circulation of your lacrimal secretion (thank goodness i just read this part) so your eyes will never be dry. and He did countless other things to help us in every single way so we are unique in our very own way.

i must admit. before i watched this talk- that very afternoon, i felt very down. and the simplest reason- because of studying. yes, i really felt like just giving up. but after i watched it... it just somehow gave me the encouragement to go on. because God is always with me, and in me. the talker was just amazing.

the best news- he's coming to kl! on the 3rd of august. yes, we can hear him live and get inspired there and then! so... i urge all of you who feel that emptiness in you, who feel that life just doesnt feel complete, who feel that God is just too far to reach- attend this PASSION talk and your life will be changed!

okok. back to myself. i've been rather busy these few days (and the next few weeks too, to be honest).. i'm taking time to write this because of the talk and also because i know that updates will be getting lesser and lesser as the time pass for my incourse 1. i'm supposed ot be finding info for my pbl but oh well i'll just side track for a while (up to now, about half an hour)...

yea i'll be trying my hardest to get this in-course done as well as i can... and after that i'll reward myself by buying myself a dress :D:D:D kekeke. if you know me well enough, you will know where i'll buy it from, probably you can even guess WHICH dress i will buy (i'm having a hard time deciding though, well, let's just see, maybe i wont even get it... by the time i can buy...) kekekeke. all the best to me to be able to get that dress which i most probably wont even wear because 1. i simply CANNOT imagine myself wearing that. 2. i wont wear it out because it would be too precious to wear out (duh, how many times u see me wanting to buy a dress?) 3. i wont know when to wear it :):)

okies, that's all for this time's update. only at blood.. i'm doomed.


pics for clarips n cherriz. ash's first holy communion. nah.

receiving holy communion man olly olly

ryan da man.

i just want to say that clarip is wearing tall slippers :)

nice portrait, minus the sukukia at the back haha

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

back in kl

3rd day back in kl!!
and i miss kuching!!
i spent almost everyday with kits and angel and steph and now it feels kinda weird without them.
i miss winnie, jo, pivi and everyone else too!
fooling around and laughing non stop!
if only i could restart my 2 week hols! rawr!
and kl smells of HAZE. owman. the air pollution.
the water is dirty too. ewwwwh.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

cas n tags

The Rules

Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

Random fact #1
i have a very weird mood so i can be happy a moment and unhappy the very next second :D

Random fact #2
i love my mommy n daddy n mek n koko the most, apart from God :D and bruce and albert n aunty n kiu kiu roy and i love all my frens and those who were always there to comfort me when i'm down :)

Random fact #3
i SO love kueh chap n laksa and swak club food etc etc. all in all, kuching is the best place in the world and sarawak is the best state in malaysia.

Random fact #4
i hate ppl that set bad examples to their kids. hey, u r a parent, and u do 'not so good' stuff to other ppl even maybe behind your kids back. and what happens if the person u did to knows your kid? how would he/she feel? (YES, i STILL keep in heart what happened 3 years back. maybe i'll only forget it 50 years down the road. i dont think there is anyone more despicable than that)

Random fact #5
i like being happy and i always get off topic. i'm supposed to do pbl but i guess it's all right to side track once a while.

Random fact #6
i have zero interest in jap stuff, but i like ONE jap song. hehe.

Random fact #7
names and i dont click. i find it absolutely difficult to remember names and faces (for people) and names of stupid bacterias and all the parts of the body. i'll fail sem 2.

Random fact #8
i hate people asking why i like certain stuff. why i like this more than that and so on. i think it's the stupidest question on earth. like is like. similarly, love is love. there isnt a reason behind it. it's just about feelings. how can can u elaborate how u like/love someone or some place? it's just that special feeling. and really kepoh ppl wishes u to elaborate on that feeling. maybe i should give my brain to them so they can interpret my feelings and understand why it's so hard to answer.

TAG: mek, bruce, echin, err... err... i dunno la owes got ppl i wanto tag but already kena tag and i dont know... mtyp sjane hopefully u haven kena tag but if already then.. hehe. and x n y n z. no more ppl to tag :D

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

tagged by mike

The Rules

Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

Random fact #1
i love my homies more than you can imagine (in fact, even more than i can imagine) and they include my family as well as friends. close friends are like homies, right? :) they freaking rock my world. rawr! :)

Random fact #2
the main attraction of kuching is my homies, then only is the food and places. kuching is just not the same without them. i miss u guys loads. :(

Random fact #3
this is gonna sound really funny, but i kinda miss high school. when i was in it, i couldn't wait to get out, but now that i'm out, i'm missing it like shit. how ironic. i miss the lameness and gayness. :P~

Random fact #4
i love my 2 bolsters even though i call them my pillow. i cant sleep without them and they go everywhere i go. lol. dont laugh.

Random fact #5
i am majorly cranky in the mornings and especially when i am woken up from my beauty sleep for no good reason. beware of the bitch at these moments lol sleeping is very very very very very important to me. :)

Random fact #6
i can't eat spicy food cause it'll make me cry and i hate most green vegetables too. they suck. i try to avoid them at all cost. still, i dont get constipation okay, cause i like fruits. hah. :P

Random fact #7
math and i seriously just don't click. i hate math more and more, be it statistics or calculus. physics is mostly about calculations too, so i'm thinking i should really just drop it next semester. i freaking hate math, cause to be good in it, you gotta do tonnes of exercise and the exercises are just damn lame. sorry math lovers, but i'd rather do something like sociology, psychology, music, biology, chemistry... whatever. as long as it dont include those complicated formulas and stuff. ewh.

Random fact #8
i hate crying, be it someone else doing it or myself. yet i've been doing that a lot lately. more than i'd like to. which i find is terribly embarrassing and annoying. and gay too. rawr.

I want to tag: joyce, kitty, stephie, karmen, amanda (although she's on hols hahaha), cherry, wendy, sue anne :)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


today i spent half the day with kitty and stephie.
and we went to eat and shop.
had a fun time playing around.
with angel also. she is.. entertaining and damn cute. hahaks.
but i have to stay at home tonight because my mommy says so.
she says that she wanna cook for me so i HAD to stay at home.

p/s: edine! good luck with your job! dont be bored la, even on the first day lol.
my results are out too. it's oklah i think. i passed my stats. thats good news. lol.
altho the grade kinda suck. bleks.

back to enjoying the hols.... taaaa :) anyone back in kuching and is free, call me! haha :)

terry's place

these are the pics from terry's place. people present there were kitty, mark, stephie, joel, kwang and me.

kit and mark, the pic would have been perfect if my hands had not moved, thanks to some gay who scolded me bcos i leaned a bit back for this photos. cheh. but the effects kinda cool right.

taken by stephie :)

stephie and joel the burgerman

mark, stephie and joel

candid shot, dunno who took it, dunno what im doing. i think im drinking my wheatgrass. lawl.

stranger and me, mark took the pic i think.

kuching is awesome :)

i spent the whole day at kitty's place yesterday. cause she is like me, very free. :D
we went swimming at stampark at 11 am, but for a short while only, cause it was so hot and kitty was afraid that she'd get sunburn, so we got out and drank our free 100+. lol.

and then i helped kitty unpack her 3 packed luggage and watched 3 movies yesterday also. lol

first one was 10000 b.c. i think the girl is very pretty. she's got nice blue eyes, but then it could have easily been contact lenses, ha.

and then we watched 27 dresses. it's a really sweet movie. i think anyone who is a hopeless romantic should watch it. very sweet <3

and finally, we watched p2. it's like a suspense + gruesome movie. knowing im not a big fan of scary/horror movies, kitty still made me watch it while she fell asleep =.="" i think it's quite a kancheong movie. very disgusting also. one part, the evil dude squashed another dude with the car until like the intestines and all came out. ewh.

but most of all, i chilled with kitty's sister who is so funny and cute haha :P meet angel :)
after that, we went for dinner at terry's place (no, not at terry chong's house... it's a place near huising that sells western food i think). i'll put up the pictures in the next post. :P

Saturday, May 03, 2008

moreee updates :D

i survived futsal! wheeeeeee... in fact, it was dam fun.. only i kept kicking to the wrong person hahahaha :P bleks. at about 9 smtg, kit and her family came to pick me and clarip up. we ended up playing with kit's mom, bros, sis (so cute!), steph, clarip n me only. i laughed a lot. :P then we went to visit kit's aunt n i ate ice-cream waffles there. yum. well anyways, i survived futsal. dat's why im so happy. :D

i think im meeting edine tonight!! yesssssss, she's back from the states!!! emily's coming to pick me teeheehee. :P cant wait.

and i think im going swimmin with kit on monday and laser tag after that. anyone wanna go for laser tag too? lol

pics pics!

these are some pics (taken from kitty's and staph's blog)


meet kitty
meet mark

me and steph

kit and mark.. good food.

after that we went to THE SPRING. i took this pic, but steph photoshop-ed it. looks dam sweet right :P matchy matchy clothes :P

next are pics from THE LIVING ROOM

us girls posing

they look a bit drunk right. teeheehee

our photographer, joel (aka "the burgerman"? by gky)

more scandalous photos coming up :P

lol! look at steph! lol so kewt!

scandal scandal!

steph's swinburne friends that were also there.

kwang, ercules and mark

one pic for us :) thank you guys :)

Friday, May 02, 2008

news news

i am accepted to...

TRENT university [Canada]
(conditional, that i maintain above 2.3 for my cgpa)

state university of new york, BUFFALO [U.S]
(altho not admitted for my major yet.. blek)

WICHITA state university [U.S]

which shall i choose? o.O

kuching kia

kuching kuching! updates. :P


me and jo crept back to school but people were having class and we chao-ed before really messing with anyone.

that night, kit, mark, steph + 6 of her frens, winnie, me, kwang and joel actually planned to watch iron man.. arbuthen no space.. :( kesiannn so we went and chill at the living room instead buahahaha where we camwhored to the max and ate creme brule :P~


labour's day ma. mother wasnt working so she brought me and mua sisters to visit this grandaunty all the way at stapak there.. near 7th mile huhu. and then i gossip and gossip with my uncle (actually he's my mom's cousin but the age difference is kinda big)

friday (hari ini, bos!)

woah. i woke up dam early la today. 9.30am man! then jo came to pick me up at 1030. we went to the spring again kekeke (actually we wanted to go boulevard but jo didnt know the way and pivian wanted to do her application stuff) so we went to the spring, walked up n down exercise sini sana and also makan big apple donuts n jo tried starbuck's newest caramel drink. nyeks.

after that pivi called, she was waiting for us at buttons and mushrooms or something like that in town. hahaha! jo got lost and we ended up takin an hour to get there :P but it was fun..

next up, jo and i accompanied lavanya and gwen to see some shoes at swak plaza. lavanya almost lost her keys, lucky she found them.

and later they met jo, pivi, byung yong(he's back) and jisung? (i think smtg like that :P) and me at rhythm of ice. the fresh strawberry yoghurt is good :P~ and we headed off to karaoke or an hour or so. damn funny, and we took lots of pics too!! and vids too, which are extremely embarrassing. shall try to steal the pics from jo soon.

hahaha. so i got back, showered and had a quick dinner.

then... i went out with my sis cherris and her friend wendy to star cineplex. we watched CONGKAK. parental advisory man! the movie is so scary! takutnya aku! oh oh, plus, some dude spat at cherris head, accidentally i think. hahha. moronic shithead. what a jackass. oh. and i saw lots of lodgians there too, they have some ironman premier charity thingy or smtg. OMG! SIDNEY IS SO TALL NOW!!!! couldnt believe my eyes.... lol he's taller than me.. :(


i'm going to play futsal.. omgwth!!! i have never like... touched futsal before. im sure to be dead tmr. lol. nono, we must think positive, like this: tomorrow, im gonna KICK-ASS!!! ahuh, yeah, that's the way babeh!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!! :P will report back on that soon... if i come back alive... :P

i love kuching.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


kena tag by cas + she ask my update blog. here i am- sorry for the diff font from wad i owes use.. i copied the questions from cas' post. i'm lazy :)

8 things I am passionate about:
(in no particular order)
1. family
2. my bed
3. playing
4. food
5. friends
6. serials
7. time
8. relaxing

8 things I say too often:
1. ah
2. noob! (cas la. teach me more...)
3. see lah
4. so boring!
5. i dont want to study liao
6. so gay la
7. stupid woman/ mek
8. fine!

8 books I’ve read recently:
nothing else to ask mer! u know i dont read books :( i add mag k. orelse it will reach the text books i read last year :)
1. marieb
2. TVB weekly
3. 3 weekly
4. lippincott
5. orientation booklet :D
6. northern lights (for the 10000th time)
7. prospectus booklet?

8. crayon shin chan

8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1. dont forget to remember me- carrie underwood
2. because of you- kelly clarkson
3. wo wen tian
4. meng xing zai san gen
5. yi sheng de ai
6. ai wo de ren he wo ai de ren
7. endless love
8. soledad
yeaa i know my song choices are kinda weird LAWL, even weirder than cas punya.

8 things I learned last year:

1. my family is da best :)
2. subang has the best food
3. cas' weirdness increased
4. treasure time
5. how to kill a cockroach
6. how to skate
7. ktm SUCKS
8. be ignorant sometimes :D

8 people to tag:
1. mek
2. mtyp
3. annabelle
4. bruce
5. five
6. six
7. seven
8. eight
sorry i dunno who to tag :D