Sunday, May 25, 2008


i'm evolving to become a nerd. before that... just want to say a few words about the movie we watched 'how great is our God' or something like that... it's a truely inspiring err.. talk? documentary? yea it basically talks about the stars in space (in a more complex term, astronomy) and relates it to how great is God. this is really amazing because all the while although i was interested in astronomy, i always thought men in this world were just trying to outdo God. trying to find more and more stuff to prove God doesnt exist eg proving there's no heaven above the sky when they got to the moon, now trying to find more and more planets in the universe as well as eliminating planets eg Pluto... and coming up with who owns what star if you discover it and so on. which is really ridiculous to me because i DO believe there is a God who created me. and that was what was exactly proven through that talk. there are stars that cam fit quintillions of the earth and we are just like a speck of virus on that star. can we even be considered as a virus (since they are the smallest things available) when our huge planet even needs 1000 trillion to fill up that star? and God created every single one of us in our own unique ways, in a way which no other person on the planet will be similar to us. and i think it is really amazing. all in all, when men try to outdo God by discovering more and more stuff (and make us study more and more in school), this talk just somehow opened my mind that all these are in control of God. we are just simply discovering more and more of God's creations and glory.

but i thought the best part was the laminin part. laminin is a protein in your body which binds all the muscles together (thats wad victor said). without laminin, basically your muscles arent bound together and if i didnt remember wrongly, there's one type of muscular dystrophy associated with the absence of laminin. so basically u know how important laminin is to our body, and how MUCH we would need it to keep our body intact. here's the amazing part.

see the structure of laminin? it's a CROSS. which= God. meaning that God is with us spiritually, emotionally and also physically as well. this is really very encouraging and comforting when you lose a bit of faith in Him, and u suddenly realise that He will always be with you, because you are basically made up with crosses! and u know there are millions and millions of these structures in your body. this means that God will never leave you. you may feel that you are alone during your down heart broken times, at times you wish to give up, but just think that you are never alone. God is just around you everywhere! He planned it so delicately and detailedly so He will always be inside you and with you wherever you are. He planned your formation so uniquely that if you want to read your DNA code you will need 93 years to do so. He planned for 1 million optical nerve cells to meet the other 1 million nerve cells at their very own pairings to give you sight (thats why becoming a doctor is never easy). and He cut your leviator palpebrae superioris so carefully to give you your eyelids so you can blink and help in the circulation of your lacrimal secretion (thank goodness i just read this part) so your eyes will never be dry. and He did countless other things to help us in every single way so we are unique in our very own way.

i must admit. before i watched this talk- that very afternoon, i felt very down. and the simplest reason- because of studying. yes, i really felt like just giving up. but after i watched it... it just somehow gave me the encouragement to go on. because God is always with me, and in me. the talker was just amazing.

the best news- he's coming to kl! on the 3rd of august. yes, we can hear him live and get inspired there and then! so... i urge all of you who feel that emptiness in you, who feel that life just doesnt feel complete, who feel that God is just too far to reach- attend this PASSION talk and your life will be changed!

okok. back to myself. i've been rather busy these few days (and the next few weeks too, to be honest).. i'm taking time to write this because of the talk and also because i know that updates will be getting lesser and lesser as the time pass for my incourse 1. i'm supposed ot be finding info for my pbl but oh well i'll just side track for a while (up to now, about half an hour)...

yea i'll be trying my hardest to get this in-course done as well as i can... and after that i'll reward myself by buying myself a dress :D:D:D kekeke. if you know me well enough, you will know where i'll buy it from, probably you can even guess WHICH dress i will buy (i'm having a hard time deciding though, well, let's just see, maybe i wont even get it... by the time i can buy...) kekekeke. all the best to me to be able to get that dress which i most probably wont even wear because 1. i simply CANNOT imagine myself wearing that. 2. i wont wear it out because it would be too precious to wear out (duh, how many times u see me wanting to buy a dress?) 3. i wont know when to wear it :):)

okies, that's all for this time's update. only at blood.. i'm doomed.


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