Tuesday, May 27, 2008

orang aneh

this tiv banyak macam, want me to put this pic of her instead. haha but kinda cool, it's the right immitation of the middle finger emoticon. this is a pic of her and amerie, a girl who sits next to me in hist105 class. lol. nah tiv, ur hot pic haha

and then, this shun jie told me some funny shits, literally speaking. read the convo ahead

[Shun] - Totally different says:
omg omg
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
my housemate ==
[Shun] - Totally different says:
his shit
[Shun] - Totally different says:
too hard
[Shun] - Totally different says:
can't flush ==
[Shun] - Totally different says:
damn him
[Shun] - Totally different says:
no flush shit
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
then we help him flush
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
this is the fifth times
[Shun] - Totally different says:
then hor
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
== I flush for 6times
[Shun] - Totally different says:
the shit still there ==
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
he don't eat vegie
[Shun] - Totally different says:
and fruits
[Shun] - Totally different says:
that's why the shit hard like hell
[Shun] - Totally different says:
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
i laughing too hard to say anything else
[Shun] - Totally different says:

omg. dam funny right. there's more..

[Shun] - Totally different says:
helpless lar that housemate ==
[c=49] casandra[/c] says:
[Shun] - Totally different says:
my friend even paste the notice on the toilet door
[Shun] - Totally different says:
pls flush your shit ==
[Shun] - Totally different says:
and radioactive logo there

omg so random!! hahahaha he even sent me a pic of the poster. *click to enlarge


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