Sunday, May 11, 2008

cas n tags

The Rules

Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

Random fact #1
i have a very weird mood so i can be happy a moment and unhappy the very next second :D

Random fact #2
i love my mommy n daddy n mek n koko the most, apart from God :D and bruce and albert n aunty n kiu kiu roy and i love all my frens and those who were always there to comfort me when i'm down :)

Random fact #3
i SO love kueh chap n laksa and swak club food etc etc. all in all, kuching is the best place in the world and sarawak is the best state in malaysia.

Random fact #4
i hate ppl that set bad examples to their kids. hey, u r a parent, and u do 'not so good' stuff to other ppl even maybe behind your kids back. and what happens if the person u did to knows your kid? how would he/she feel? (YES, i STILL keep in heart what happened 3 years back. maybe i'll only forget it 50 years down the road. i dont think there is anyone more despicable than that)

Random fact #5
i like being happy and i always get off topic. i'm supposed to do pbl but i guess it's all right to side track once a while.

Random fact #6
i have zero interest in jap stuff, but i like ONE jap song. hehe.

Random fact #7
names and i dont click. i find it absolutely difficult to remember names and faces (for people) and names of stupid bacterias and all the parts of the body. i'll fail sem 2.

Random fact #8
i hate people asking why i like certain stuff. why i like this more than that and so on. i think it's the stupidest question on earth. like is like. similarly, love is love. there isnt a reason behind it. it's just about feelings. how can can u elaborate how u like/love someone or some place? it's just that special feeling. and really kepoh ppl wishes u to elaborate on that feeling. maybe i should give my brain to them so they can interpret my feelings and understand why it's so hard to answer.

TAG: mek, bruce, echin, err... err... i dunno la owes got ppl i wanto tag but already kena tag and i dont know... mtyp sjane hopefully u haven kena tag but if already then.. hehe. and x n y n z. no more ppl to tag :D


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