Sunday, July 31, 2005

sunday fever

aaah... sunday... busy busy.... din go as planned but... i def enjoyed myself thoroughly. no regrets. experienced so many diff stuffs today. saw lotsa never been seen before scenes. wheee..... got my hair blue too. haha. just got back home and bathed. tru calling gonna start at ten. this entry will be short. but... all i wanted to say has been said. whee.... so i'll just sign off here. lol. =)

Saturday, July 30, 2005


ey cas, my brother angry hahaha and he is condemning our evil why i cant be admin too? we share wad... cheh....

anyway leon lai and donnie yen so cool haha.... oh dah jatuh cinta... crap lah... but the last fight was so so so cool!!!

bye bye

what the *tut* happened

whoa... i've only been down for... let's see how many hours... and this joyce so kiang, get her bro become member n wahseh, u can see for yourself what happened. haha. obviously what joyce say is true. *lame brother* haha. lucky i have no blood-related brother. haha. anyway, i decided to change my password and make myself the sole admin so that this alvin cannot kacau kacau... sorry la joyce, but i made u non-admin. for your safety also. later your bro go crazy. i know how gila he can be. haha. so hehe...

anyway... breaking news... there's this breaking virus going around town. i probably got it. my sis too. on friday, after lunch... whoa... fell sick like mad shit... whoa too disgusting. shouldn't talk about it. enough information revealed. others must be kept unknown from public for privacy purposes. my apologies for any inconvenience caused. anyway, thank GOD winnie and joyce were there to help me. my GOD, i hate it man. went to the doc A.S.A.P. got a shot there. arm still kinda numb. but i got to skip the double period of add maths. and of course, the milk lady's singing. but since i always hear that, aah, nvm. miss also nvm lah. haha.

good part is, i came home and slept for 4 hours while people were still studying... add maths. hehe. and joyce was so kind to give me my homework n copy the stuff for me. thx joyce! altho u fergot my text bk... x_x but tha's aight, cuz i got my sis to take it for me. buahahaha... and oh yea, i guess winnie accidentally put ur eraser into my pencilbox... that's why you couldn't find it. hehe... i'll bring it to sch on monday lah, no need to cry.

i can't wait for sunday... woohoo... 1 more day to go... countdown... wheeeeee..... hahaha....

Friday, July 29, 2005

boo again

guess wad?
im now a member and now an admin, actually i mean duck for sunny day blog
not so sunny also
its nite now
i crap X10000
there crapped finished liao
*edited my cas* haha ^_^v peace~


this is joyce's brother typing just letting u know tat i'm upgraded to an admin too =)
haha too lazy to register this is wad sisters are for
casandra chew is sick?
haha haha
wad sickness?
list symptoms
i are able to help
i tink wad u need is 24 panadols to knock u out for good (you mean yourself? hehe)
good nite yall

*that's my lame brother*joyce
*yes, i agree, joyce*cas

***ing is disgusting :) - censored for certain purposes

arghh.... how come cas didnt post anything? not updated liao... i feel super silly today. i finally found out how to post this thingy myself aha.... and i forgot to pass cas the add maths text book... silly me... well, well cas, you just missed the dutch milk's singing but never mind lah, theres still the future... see if u will faint.... hahahahahaha... and it is unfair!!! how can you miss double add maths? that is soooo lucky. actually today nothing much happened... except the wong woman put me foyer duty next week, evil woman!!! this entry's going to be short because i am not using my own comp. and this one so hardto use... stop liao lah!

Monday, July 25, 2005

sorrow-free me

ARGH. today's monday. usually i hate mondays because i'll have to drag me heavy self out of bed. school. not again! but today was somewhat different. yep, way different than i thought it would be.

basically, most of the stuff that happened today is mention in joyce's post. hah. finally got her to post. altho i basically typed the whole stuff out. but the facts are 100% by her of course! haha. here's the unmentioned part in joyce's post.

for starters, we had chem, and during the experiment, some idiot fiddled with our sucking ball thingy and got water inside. got us framed! but we told teacher the whole story. who cares if he believes us or not, it's just plain simple that we didn't do it!

maths next, got work like usual. not much difference.

then est, you can say free period. mdm voon continued her "interrogation". got my script corrected. damn, the memorising part next. i just suck big time at memorising. pure torture next. oh man...

morning break - duty at the foyer with mtyp n lun. alicia and sing yue were absent. bleh. kai lun really thinks he's so funny. haha. and "which kindy were you last time?" "C" haha. altho very limited people know what's behind this joke. but man, he's sure so funny.

then we had bm. library period! yay! i did my unfinished bio here and chatted a lot... and laughed a lot. joyce did her naughty deed here. hmmns... naughty naughty! haha. when i wanted to label my diagram, i ended up outlining the diagram instead. and when i was done and finally ready to label, time was up! haiyo...

history was fine, funny as always. but we got a lot of work. altho i ended up laughing with joyce at something or other at one point. haha. crazy moments.

add maths, what i feared came... BUT MRS NGU WAS ABSENT!!! woohoo!!! three cheers for that, HIP-HIP-HOORAY! and that's enough said. aah, this just makes my day...

lunch time! ate at the lunchroom and did first shift instead. well, who cares? mtyp's the only senior there. sing yue's conveniently absent. haha. oh and here's the funny part. terry and friends nearly got me to put off a stink bomb. altho i didn't do it after all. erich did it but lousy pack no smell. and haha! i turned into an awesome hair stylist and tied chin chong's hair. oooh, HAWT!!! haha his hair was approximately 3 cm after i tied it. so funny!!! haha. you just have to be there to experience this hilarious moment. UNFORGETTABLE! haha

physics was next. but you see, mr chan absent. another teacher down. woohoo... two whole free periods. can this day get any better? haha. finished my bio and history here. and that was where joyce started to compose what she wanted me to type.

afternoon break - nothing much. only paid a visit to the loo. haha you didn't have to know that.

and the last two periods of the day. double bio. not bad, quite okay. hah. annabelle is the victim here. we asked teacher what would happen to cheese if carbon dioxide was supplied. she answered dunno. haha. too bad the anabElic reaction whoops i mean annabelly-button or is it annabelle didn't get the joke there. joyce, joanna and i were laughing like mad. and all the ding dong belle did was say "what's wrong with TWO of you?" when in actual fact, there were THREE of us. lol. joanna started counting and ended up counting like this, "ONE, THREE, TWO". no wonder annabelle said the TWO of you. haha.

finally, dismissal. i stay back as always to do my homework. let the load off. was very amused watching lin na fighting with aidan and attempting to bite khang wee. pitied him tho when lin na started bullying him. aihs, kolien. later, this weird ADRIAN CHIN CHONG started whacking my head for no reason. hey what's going on here? i started whacking him back and this resulted to a weird cat fight between us. note it that i said WEIRD. whoa... and at one point he tried to show off to me that he can snap his fingers. snapped my own at him just to get his famous look. haha. crazeh crazeh...

well, that's what happened in school today. as you can see, nothing sad happened. and thus, the title sorrow-free me. =)

ADA rocks

Haiyah, this is Cas' typing. She insisted that I 'blog'. About this blogging stuff, I dun really understand. Tons of ppl asking why I do not blog. How would I know what is blog? But now I know... hahaha.

Today, I feel wicked. pronounce it wick kerd, Cas can't pronounce it. She doubts my vocab. Becos I did something bad. But it was only for the priority - Ada. so it is none of my business. Also, in Chem today we practically wrecked the apparatus (air sucking ball connected to pipette bulb) but we are innocent. Huahahaha.

And that Elaine woman was absent. I bet she's studying for the exam in Oct. See... ppl so hardworking. Cas u better follow her =) .

I think Elaine got poisoned. There's only 3 possibilities behind it:
  1. she got staled cheese from anna cheese (and lau sai - this is what Cas says...)
  2. she got poisoned by my brother... when we went out and eat together...
  3. she just disappeared.

Mrs Ngu absent also. Wow. I think this is so weird. Ever see her absent? No right? Of course not... sure got something lah... but I am not busybody. I am free soul. Haha. Cj.

I think the Anna woman or dutch maid or milk lady is planning to sell cheese. Today she use yellow ribbon. But it's not her mistake. She's just making full use of the milk (she produced - this is by Cas) she robbed from Pusaran (lembu tenusu)... I think this freed us from nature club... she surely scared teacher.

I love myself. Bye bye.

p/s: thanks Cas.

written on 1.25 p.m. in class bc Mr Chan not here.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

running out of time

the clock's ticking. i just remembered i have a speech to prepare. no, wait, make that two. olly cooow... when is it due anyway? crap. owells, bother abt that later. aih, today's weather is terrible. so freakin humid. hmpf.

i feel so lazy to blog. bleh. nothing much happened today. went to confirmation class with lou and janet in the morning. after that, went to the club to take a leak, met lou n his sisters there. to use the loo too. coincidental? well, moving on, went to eat at some kopitiam after that. but whoa... when park the car that time... lou's car was opposite ours.. haha must be he go eat bak kut teh. mama mia. weird day. keep bumpin into him. lol.

i come home just to do big business in the toilet. olly! stinky stinky. my sisters did the same too. we occupied three diff toilets in the house just to crap. yuck.

yes! TRU calling tonight. altho i can feel that tonight's episode is gonna be quite frustrating. i hate the stupid jack guy. but the harrison guy - shawn reaves not bad lookin. kinda cute n funny. hahaha. elaine chai agrees with me. he's cute... but of course, edison rules above all. edison edison edison... *continues chanting*

all in all, a week's gone. tomorrow's monday and i'll have to go back to school - DAMN!

argh. i feel awfully hungry now. i think i shall just go grab myself some food. aah... food... yummy yummy...

Friday, July 22, 2005

sad life

today was an okay day for me. thank goodness. but i also realised something. something i've been blinded from for so long.

many friends turn to silent enemies. and enemies do things beyond imagination. it's sad to see some people get so competitive over such minor things. no doubt that it's called pure sadness. do they not realise that all that you have, all that you want... it will all vanish one day. yes, friends and family will slowly leave one's side some day too. one by one, somehow they will slowly seep into the air, disappearing without a trace. one morning, we may just wake up and ask ourselves, "what happened to all my pals?". yes, no doubt this is bound to happen. but at least, when they leave us, there are sweet memories for us to cherish. true friends may leave us physically, but they will live in our hearts, our minds, our memories. absolutely nothing can last forever. only memories which stay with our souls til the very end. but if we spent half our lives going after something while hurting others, what have you actually acquired? tell me honestly, because the answer is nothing. absolutely nothing. you can kiss my ass. think twice man. what's the use of being so competitive and so hungry for power when it all ends up to more and more people turning to hate you instead? yes, you may get the power you want, but will others respect you for who you are or for what you have? with so many against you, you will definitely be overthrown one day.

hypocrites, backstabbers, liars and those hungry for fame and power, i have nothing much to say. you surely know who you are. all i can say is you can do what you want to others, but what goes around comes around. and if you hurt others, you will and can burn in hell. you don't deserve anything. there's still time to change but if you refuse to take heed before it's too late, you can go down for all i care. because you're worth nothing. not even any of my feelings. i don't give a damn on what you do, but remember, you hurt others and you will be hurt real bad one day. and for those hated by many, ask yourselves, why is it that so many people hate you. if there's so many against you, obviously it's because of YOU.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Sleeping Rawks

Today's weather was PERFECT for a snooze. How amazing it was tht nearly everyone was dozing off at one point or another. haha. esp yesterday, we got comments from some tchrs tht our class was so dead... lalala. i'm sure it's the total opposite from form 4c tho... haha. i'm positive tht class is like on the alert 24/7. lol. but owell, 4B still rawks above all! haha. i found out from someone, altho i can't rmbr who...(eep, getting old) tht mr kenny scolded 4c class for not writing good essays for chem. weird to say tht he din scold our class. instead, he say tht it was his fault tht we dunno how to write essays cuz he din teach us... lol? owell, i guess he just LOVES 4B more. haha! owell. it's just so sad tht a perfect weather is wasted. raining and so cool. owell. discovered tht satnam nearly burn the whole bio lab today. hah! hilarious! story retold by other members of 4c. and speaking of the fire extinguisher. olly! haha. too bad it din happen in my class. the most was we started to burn leaves which burnt so brightly as tho we were burning magnesium or smth. today's been okay. besides, no chem tuition. yipee! haha. owell, guess that's all for this entry. lookin forward to more enjoyable days. til nxt time, cya~

Monday, July 18, 2005

what shall i do?

in a day whereby life drags the usual stuff along with absolutely nothing interesting going on, what is one suppose to do? day: monday. date: 18 July 2005. wake up late as usual, rushing from the moment i get out of bed. go to school in a zzzzzzz mood. just to realise i had duty. great. how exactly can this day get any worse? whoa, i got the hall duty. okay... first thing that comes to my mind: boring boring boring. but fine, whatever. let's just get over with it. then suddenly, i had to open car doors for students. wahlaueh... who am i? chauffeur? valet? SLAVE? and as if it my day wasn't horrible enough. PHOO... hazardous smoke from the exhaust! olly... choke choke. if some day, i'm diagnosed with lung cancer... oh... whoever got me to do that awful duty is definitely gonna get it. hell ya... the rest of the day passes with no spark at all. i feel worse than a dead log. lifeless piece of junk. more papers back today.... yea yea the usual... all crappy marks... oh well, gave up on my marks long time ago so aaah, whatever, just get over it. no point boo-hoo-hoo-ing over such a little incident. anyway, now comes nature club. aah, finally, this is not so bad... watering plants. thank GOD no more weeding. i hate weeds. first, i decided to hog the hose but olly~ it was super oily and disgusting! YUCK! so fine, i'll use the pail like everyone else... finally got myself sweaty and smelly and wet. eeeeep! oh crap crap.... stinky stinky....but at least, got a treat to TWO ice-creams. yummy. and home sweet home i go... bathe, eat and finally i'm here. okay. so that's all for today. anything interesting.... naah, nothing but the usuals... but then again... a simple life is def easier to manage... just that i hate the stupid exhaust thingy. pooh.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Hi everyone, this is a blog for me and joyce, not alvin haha. welcome, welcome to this auspicious blog of ours. cuz it rules above all..... buahahahaha... WE ROCK!!!!