Saturday, September 18, 2010


have been here for the past 3 weeks or so, and still surviving. there were ups and downs.. well, mostly downs, but if you face up to it, it slowly moves upwards.

so far i've just started a week of clinicals... and maybe i'm still not used to the angmohs, bc it is rather difficult to mix around with them. or maybe i just feel that everyone else aside from the students are better ppl =X

it's finally the weekend again... and i so look forward to baking (and hopefully follow instructions) for the first time ever!! but first and foremost, someone has to wake up first....

i wonder what's for lunch, because i've been feeding on ham sandwiches for the past 5 days for lunch :D

and it's coldd, when the sun's not out. currently 4 deg (and we're not quite into autumn yet!) but the sun's roaring, so shouldnt be too cold... for now.. =)

and yes, i cant wait to go stonehenge. hopefully there's still seats...