27th jan
tomorrow i'm going back! time flies huh? and these few days i've been running around kl buying stuff to bring back. in this 11 days, i've been to midvalley 4 times, lowyat, and times square. wah.. haha.. and tomorrow i'll be dropping by petaling street for the second time.. well, not exactly dropping by, it's purposely going there to get more foooood back.
isnt life interesting? my whole luggage(s) consist primarily of food. sushi, duck, cinnamon buns, nasi lemak, blablabla... and how can i miss out all my new year clothes? haha.. spent a bomb on them this year.. partially because some were bought last year, so this year when i went to the shopping malls again, the temptation could not be resisted. XD
i saw a very cute birthday cake, although i'll treat it as a joke if i receive one like that.. haha. probably only a handful understand what nonsense am i blabbering here.. haha.

a lame buddy got me and a bunch of other friends one of these each (different colours and designs, of course), from venice, italy... and i think it's very pretty (although a little freaky), just wanted to share how it looked like... at least my webcam takes better pictures than my lousy phone...
and i have to drink drink drink more water before i go back. to finish my water reservoir, and also to drown the bugs attacking my immune system. grrr.