- | sunny side of the day | -
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
cas is back!
haha cheap joke... lame title for the fun of it.. anyway i'm here to revive the blog. huahahaha..
i've spent more than 3 months in sarawak. kekeke. and I'm Lovin' It. but... all good things have to go... tmr will be the last day i'll be in my beloved house.. my cosy bed... my pingu and my daisy dog from sjane and my bear from jess and my cow from cas n my another bear from sunway lagoon and my pooh from c anita and my small pillow.................n the wooly blanket and my big pillow and the bolster i robbed from my sis..........................................
time surely flies, doesnt it? haha. and when i'm addicted to a new series that i cant watch it. hmph.
in a week it will be my bday!
late wishes to: Cas and Lin Na.. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! (Cas 9th feb n Lin Na 17th feb...)
i used to think how chun could this two ppl's birthday be with relevance to mine... 9+17=26 or 17+9=26... and as u all know.. 1,7,9 are my fav numbers... besides 2 and 6 la. yuan fen that we can meet each other, yes? haha cas, cas. we had gone through a lot together... happy times, sad times, getting test paper back times... haha n a lot of gossiping eh? kekeke... comic character. or rather, CARTOON character :)
today is the 13th day of cny... seems to me that all the cny semangat dampened already... dunno la, maybe it's me. kekeke.
sth is wrong with me haha i think i fell in love with a new actor.. ahaha just now i opened a pic of him... ahhh soo handsome kekeke...
if i din remember wrongly cas tagged me to do something... but hehe lazy la..
cant believe i haven done everything i have to do till now. aih. i've been putting things off for a long time :( but at least i was successful in eating wadever i wanted to eat.. hehehe. kueh chap laksa kampua kiaw swak club heritage sugar bun gubak mee etc etc.. din eat daddy's pizza only :(
talking abt daddy's pizza.. reminds me of my birthday parties in the past.. haha. kinda miss those times.. dunno when will the next time so many of us can come together be...
this post is really random. haha wadever that comes into my head, i type. right now i thought of wad cas typed.. how she celebrated cny. mine's 1000x more simple. for the first 3 days i didnt do anything. the first house i went to was cynthia's house. and that was the only friend's house i went... haha. then i went to hang kai with erv...simple enough? case closed.
argh i'm listening to the themesongs of my latest addicted serial.. and i KEEP thinking about it. jeez i just keep thinking about the scenes in the song!! argh how to survive uni with that serial in my head... T____________________________T
let me go sob in a corner thinking about my movie.................
Cas misses me Cas misses me that's alright bc i miss her too!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
hey guys... happy chinese new year to absolutely everyone, anywhere... sorry for the late wishes..
and thanks for all the birthday wishes too.. facebook, friendster, sms and the calls.. thanks for remembering :D although i didn't go back to kuching to see the rest of the people :( anyways, it's good to hear from u guys again :)
well, i celebrated cny at the westin hotel... swimming on cny's eve even.. hahaha not exactly what i would call "kuching-style" but it's okay you know.. small private dinner and although no fireworks and no visiting heh, well it wasn't really all that bad. you see, i am now hooked on oc. yeah, the series? the orange county? yeap...... and although i already know what happens in the end and am kinda RAWR that they killed off one of the main characters... i am fyi, currently watching season 3. i must say though, so far, i like season 1 best, who knows why, maybe the guy's cuter there hahahaha.
and my birthday, we ate at hush.. kinda cool lol 18th birthday... pretty sane.... i was there with family after all, if u get what i mean hahaha.. so i guess there was alcohol-control-no-cocktail-only-mocktail.. rawr. anyways, it was cool.
so i am hooked on o.c. kinda rawr if u watch it but the seth dude is just hilarious. LAWL.

hokays.. back to studying as well. got a music test tomorrow. RAWR!