Thursday, January 26, 2006

my comp is dead

so i'm very sorry all readers... cause there's ain't no possible way i'm gonna post some interesting for a friggin long time... so friggin sorry ya'll..

today i'm not at home... so i'm at a place whereby i can hog the comp..... woot~ and see i sacrifice this privilege to post something.. *sniff sniff* i feel so touched by myself... haha quote: "second thoughts... NOT..." lol...

so what has happened since my last post? hah.. that's a long story... lemme shorten it.. firstly.. me and joyce pindah rumah already... we left dexter and ryan and terry and elaine chai and went to live near elaine chin, see chin, danny, winnie, ivan and the gky. that's why nowadays my speech may change... sooo terrible... at least i won't start swearing...... i can control myself

you know what? i must complain about something... this gky... so evil.. everyday also wanna scold me... always "fu, cb, kimok, hell no!!!, second thoughts..neh, you see this?*shows fist*, etcetcetc.." so bad. always scold me... =( but he darn funny.. lol stupid... you can ask joyce... he's an idiot.. but don't tell him i say that lah.. later i die... he always bully me.. make my life miserable... even dex is better. ask me scratch his back only... apart from the disgusting question when he pakat with terry... but i get to cut his hair for him.. become barber... haha i also help chin chong tie his hair a lot... he look very funny... pretty.

anyway... a lot of tests lar.. but don't care... as long as got study a bit okay lar... i tellin the truth.. who don't study for test right? only the kia-su people will bluff others that they din study... these people are also the people who don't share their knowledge for fear others will beat them.. so sad man... tsk tsk.. good thing 5B ain't like that.. 5c i dunno lar.. cause i don't study in there. not that i'm mockin those peeps or anithin... i'm merely stating a fact... why? is what i say a lie? hell, of course not... get low marks a lso is not the end of the world. as long as you study and do your best.. that's a great accomplishment. no need to cry over spilt milk. what's done is done. nothing can be done. so just get on with your friggin life. right?

so man.. that's all i feel like typin today. *yawns* i'm layzeeeeh...


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