few more pics
more pics regarding prom n commencement ceremony..
more pics of me from the prom, this for u echai and joyce, bcos u requested for it. if not also i might feel a bit shy putting the pics up hahahahaha. these pics i steal from people wan lerr hehe
first few pics stolen from haruka's facebook, hope she doesnt mind. thanks k! :)
lookey, the prom king and queen award, made nicer by haruka... dam nice right
first few pics stolen from haruka's facebook, hope she doesnt mind. thanks k! :)
lookey, the prom king and queen award, made nicer by haruka... dam nice right

here, the table. rmbr the decos i was talking about in the previous post? here it is up close!! nice anot! not nice cannot criticize! :P

*next up is stolen from chloe the prom queen, congrats!
left to right: kahmun, mua, jack, chloe, justin (hahahaha look at his eyes teeheehee sorry, i just had to laugh)

* from wen loong aka my adp dad's cam, this is my adp mom (ganesh) and me hehehe

this, stolen from keng mei i think.. ben jin, shafiq!(just had to put the ! :P), yeh ern, me, hui min, keng mei

oooh. the next are from the commencement ceremony.
me, ganesh (aka mommy), wen loong (aka daddy), benjamin and ben jin (the bens!) :)
*stolen from wen loong

l to r: bimbo-oscar, wen ling aka nicholas teh, isaac, boon ping, adrian, wen loong (dad), aaron, eric, ganesh (mom), sip chen aka sips chern my sis hahaha and meee! :)
*thanks for the pic wenloong! :)
y tak nampak gigi punya? not happy enough? kakaka
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