today's 10th november. my cousin, ashlyn's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASH! haha she celebrated her birthday yesterday at CARASOL wakeboard and beach club. it's a really nice place in thailand. we took a drive up there.. you got all you need for a beach party; nice sand, nice water, seats to sun tan, interesting outdoor games... etc. 12 to 5. sorry i had to leave early for wang lee hom's concert. will talk about that in the next post. this will be dedicated to carasol haha. some very clear pics from the official site and group. an insight for you.

ok so i took some pics with my not so clear hp cam also lar..

theres foos too!
my other cousin, ryan's really looking kinda gloomy.. wonder why lol
why is ryan in almost every pic? trying to be a model, must be..

the dock..
the boat

the bar
the pool for the anak kecils
people jumping on the trampoline.. ash and her friends

crazy fella dunno doing what
pool. uncle aaron, uncle rahman, small kid, my dad (overdressed for a beach party haha)

okay folks, if you had really believed me when i said carasol's in thailand, HAHAHA lemme laugh at you lol lol kkk, actually it's in puchong. damn chun now la the place. visit for more info. :)
OMG u cheated me!!
Y got no hot sexy pictures of you...?
Sjane once again get cheated. Typical blur girl.
hahahahahaha damn funny la.. ehehehehehehe cant stop laughing...
haiyar michael.. i was just trying to take pics of the place only.. my cousin just try to model nia.. hahaha
sarajane... hahaha :)
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