first time
last tuesday, after psychology class, wen loong suggested that we went ice-skating..out of the blue. o.O it was like a spur of the moment thing.. kar men and janice got very excited too.. everyone was just suddenly damn semangat to ice-skate.. so in the end, after some hoo-ha about some crazy physics talk and janice with no pants, we finally hopped into kar men's car and drove off to sunway pyramid.. goodness. my first time ice-skating weih. i was damn paranoid that i would fall cause my hurt bum bum isnt fully recovered yet. but before we got on the ice, we took a group photo la, where everyone was dry and confident..

hahahahahaha, just kidding lah. they fell down. lol

that day was loads of fun! im so happy i didnt fall.. ok ok maybe i had a slow-mo fall that ended up looking as though i was gonna propose to the wall. but the point is, im glad i didnt hurt myself as badly as when i tried to rollerblade la. thank God! thanks guys, for putting up with my noobish-ness :)
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