i'm truly broke man. lol. for adp halloween night ticket, toastmasters international, last night's movie, concert tickets.. sikit sikit but when added up, it's actually quite a lot le.. hohoho..
anyways, yesterday i had speech theory test.. huakhuak weird weird. we went to have lunch at cabana after that. lol saquib's version of chinese person catching mosquito with the chopstick is hilarious. lol. he tried learning to use also hahaha.. dont forget about your briyani rice bet.. honolulu/lulu saquib hahaha... lol then me and yy and rachele went to play foos. quite noobishly la haha but just to kill some time.. lols
k k so then went for psycho class, then i helped a bit with the halloween decos a bit.. lol..
when i reached home around 6 smtg, i had to quickly shower la cause supposed to go to church.. 1st november.. besides clarissa's bday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again lol, it's all saints day also.. obligation to go weih. so i go lor, follow the ckk peeps. lol after mass went to kwai sun 2 to makan dinner hahaha.. and then.. johnny n joanne ask me go watch movie.. i only agreed after they agreed to watch stardust.. hahahahah what? i got attracted by the trailer and the music video for the song "rule the world" by take that showed some parts of the movie also.. the song sounded quite nice ma.. hehe
hmmns.. stardust is okay la, not bad. came out only yesterday.. kinda funny.. lol it's sort of a magical, faerie tale-ish kind of movie, but suitable for adults also because it's kinda witty; ironic and silly huhu.. lol kinda corny at some parts la, but at least not over exessively. lol the graphics are also not too bad, and the storyline is acceptable. very pleasant movie. suits my style hehehe the settings caught me, it looks quite nice. all in all i enjoyed it la. had a real good laugh..a good bedtime movie haha.. reached home late le. around 2 maybe? hahaha.. ohwell. some pics about the movie that i got from google. hahaha..

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