by me =) was out of city for a few days.. to go to kkb hospital and stay at some ___ place (see for yourself). mind u, no tv, no hot water, no aircond..... so, some pics to share...
be optimistic! the goods:
no.1: i love the sceneries!!

no. 2: fraser's hill =)

the waterfall at fraser's hill:

some silaters filming some stuff there

the stairs we climbed to kinda reach the waterfall

2 sweet ppl =)
the smoke house (where we almost ended up eating at...) a very english place

tetralogy of fallot =D

no. 3: the gorgeous dam:

four musketeers =D
no.4: delivery!!

so cuteee
no. 5: barbequing on saturday night...

the bads:
no.1: this was where we were expected to stay in. what the heck...

no way we're staying there!! so after a looong process...

move house

cleaning the place up...
zhau lou!!

THIS was where we stayed in the end... (just the living room la... where me teck han and li lian slept =D)

no. 2: sista rita? ritavirus? no pics to share. no polluting of camera to get her pic

meow! see the cats under the car? so cutee

they shifted to the chair in the briefing room at the nurses hostel

meet our neighbour: mr coward. he's a coward. =D

first day's dinner at some mamak that upsetted many ppl's stomach =)

last day's dinner at asia cafe!!

hypersensitivity reaction (why is it underlined?)

drugs =) daily dosage.
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