ma shooga shooga
i am so very sorry, i let this blog dieeee... but it's ok, i am here to save it again. an update with another karaoke session. people there were:

and not forgetting jason! :)

my dad saw the pictures n he was like "u should reduce ur karaoke sessions. look, this guy is even drunk", indicating jon z.
but but but... there was no alcohol involved!! AT!! i laughed like crazy at his statement.
lol, im having a one week break from monash imprisonment, and so far i have been sleeping and eating a lot. not very productive, i know. but i cant help myself. sleep and food are the biggest temptation ever. i can never say no to them, i dont know why! it's such a huge dilemma. if anyone can find a cure for these diseases, please please do inform me. desperate times call for desperate measures.
and and and bobhead!! spoke to u on msn the other day.. dangeet i really really miss u weii T.T summore u not coming back for summer.. sob sob.. i can believe what u miss most is teasing me. so nice to tease is it. =.= cant wait to hear ur noisy sampat voice again and watch u sing to the poles and talk on ur "bluetooth" lol good luck with the singing bobbie! dont forget, my sister is ur first and number 1 fan!!! hahahahaha and please please take care of yourself... u are such a pig.
oh and joiseee when's ur hols? exact date. my hols start around july, super stupid hor. wonder if i'll be in time for rainfest in kuching. bcos i know for sure no hope for kuching fest. hurrrrrr T.T
last but not least, i must complain n wail n yell n throw a tantrum cause of the amount of work and tests and assignments and lab reports piling up. this is really ridiculous. transforms the term holiday into a fanciful word only. tsk tsk. shame on monash. i am highly disappointed in you! lol
p/s: who's coming back for summer? i know of a few only, like that noisy davidlinlin who must announce to the whole world that he's coming back. like as if we must prepare a banquet for his return. =.= hoping to see u guys soon weiii. miss u guys all so much.. if only monash was like adp. gah. :P
joisey's hols starts on 2nd july. correction-- her last day of exam is 2nd july. and if she passes her eos 3 hols is right up till 23rd aug. but she has elective to do in between. kakaka.
padan muka a lot of work. hehe, work hard!!
lol so cute la you. joisey :D
i have to wait for my exam timetable to come out before i can confirm when my hols really are.. so gay right...
are u going back to kuching? thinking of staying back in kl cause dex might come back to kl from aus :P
hehe... i going back on the 11th of july... one week to go out (provided u r free n we can get to the same place hehe) and to get results. hehe =)
hey you are forever the CUTEST la =D
EH EH EH!! enough with the cute cute business yah! 3 years already, this cute cute hot hot thing still never go away! hahahha remember that legless ryan, he's also the same, still cute cute here and there. =.= hmpf hahahaha
muahaha. i dun even know the story behind it.... so i will continue 'cuting' u kekeke
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