easter sunday
this post.. is here with some amendments. kuakua =)
today is easter sunday. kakaka. swt...
+- in conjunction with the colour theme in church... =)
haha... easter vigil night: whereas everyone was in church lighting candles and witnessing baptism, my night was spent with practising osce on a lady who offered-to-be-my-sp-but-cannot-stand-geli... imagine how was practising osce like?? anyhows, i managed to bore her to 95% death kekeke. rmb! cvs- jvp, oedema!! general inspection- pulse n bp n temp, capillary refill!! respi- (back) hug pillow!! (front) tactile fremitus!! hopefully tmr wont be a disaster...
so this morning... went to st john's. was behind esther all the while just that she did not notice me n mek... hmmm.. notti girl =) easter mass was fun! with a sudden influx of prince william lookalikes (mek's terminology), which meant that so many angmos turned up O.O hehehe...
took 2 pics but will be updating later when i on the other laptop to bluetooth my pic there and then upload to blogger. =)
here are the pics =)

mass just ended... we sat upstairs so could get this view hehe..

another one.. many many ppl..

mass just ended... we sat upstairs so could get this view hehe..

another one.. many many ppl..
then braved through the melting sun (i still dont understand why didnt it snow) on the loooong way to beef noodle. haih. if not bc of
this beef noodle ar... who wanto walk that far. ugh.
sooo hot n din brng umbrella again. grrr. and then the shop full house so had to wait outside, getting the full gust of beef-wind from the place they were cooking, and then some ah-pos came and just overtook our line. wth... they only tapau wehh... have to sit down mer?? anyhows they took our seat causing us to have to be more beefed up before we got our seats. gay. i dunno wads wrong with us and ah pos lately. or all ah pos like to cut queue? yesterday in carrefour also.. when we go to the weighing counter, some ah po went from the opposite direction of the queue and the person told her to go the other side. and she was like aiyoo so long line. and that was like only 4 ppl (plus basket/trolley la) then she so nicely 'tried' to camouflage with the ppl at least 2 generations younger by seeping before us... what the... bleksssss..
what did i do to deserve ah pos wandering behind me???
ok.. that's about it... it rained on the way home.. and we were under some hairy rain...
afternoon.. haemed a bit then fell asleep. haemed some more then went to cook dinner with mek. da glorious laksa!! omgggg that's got to be the best dish ever!!!!! mmmm~~~~ not to mention, our easter eggs ended up fried and along with laksa. hiakhiak

da glorious forgot-to-anticlockwise-rotate- LAKSAAAA

looks not bad kua... better than the first time =)
now at my place... no one at home... hehe
=) happy easter!!! i love easter!!! hehe.
what is that chunks of human flesh doing in ur freezer?!!!!!!!!
ur flesh mar. kekeke :D
meat la. to eat... can guess which one is mine? hahahaha
not all la.. i not carnivore..
hahaha how i know which one is yours? i feel terrified seeing so much raw meat... :O
they are all frozen.. i dye the vege also look like that la... hiakhiak.
wads so terrifying. chehhh
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