at last.... MIRACULOUSLY there is some internet connection here!! but at such a low speed i might as well not be online. GAH! anyhoos, better take this chance to update a bit. here are some photos i could get my hands on from my workplace, nose. it is a very gay place. lalala~
of course, the pics of the nose family is incomplete and only the few that were on afternoon/full shift are in the pic. hahaha :) here it goes.. oh btw! i cut my hair quite sometime ago. dont laugh! :)

especially when i feel that i have communication problems with the rest of the people. they cant really speak english and you'd all probably know that my mandarin is like crap. so when they start talking in cantonese, well, i might as well just be deaf and dumb. GAH.
that's for the updates! and im not sure if im going back to kuching for the hols.
maybe, maybe not. i
f i dont, please dont scold me again. fate will bring us together to meet again you fellow kuching-ians!
have a happy holiday everyone!
remember, you can always call me if u miss me teehee
how come SOMEONE is missing???? hahahaha...
both supervisors ler?...
hahaha supervisors not there then we can play like that mah hahaha
and heck yeahhh i have a fringe!! lol
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