iris' birthday @ secret recipe
on the 13th of november was iris' birthday. the next day... chemistry exam. no wonder tch must kacau her. anyhow, we went to secret recipe to celebrate (on iris)...

my chicken cordon bleu... yummmmy.. cut it open the cheese starts oozing out... wahhh.. but so filling had to force it in in the end...

my ice choc with whipped cream... look at the birthday girl behind...

elaine's IRISh lamb stew... soo big portion too funny to see her eat..

lois' dory something something dunno. the fish so incredibly soft n yummy...
must be wondering- why no pic of iris food? tell u la, she chia us then she sacrificed her own dinner (guess how much her usual dinner costs :)) jkjk... she got fish n chips she started eating before i could snap a pic..
oh ya, the cake in my previous posts originates from this celebration. the cake that underwent a lot of turbulence. :)
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