Thursday, September 20, 2007


great news
  1. my eye seems to be getting better! wheeee.... hope it fully recovers
  2. speech fairytale presentation is over.. did okay i guess.. have the video of my whole presentation...... may post it up.
  3. the apple i am eating now is very sweet, juicy and crunchy. hehe.
  4. ADP's student council did a great job decorating the hallway for lantern festival. looks kinda cute now. teehee. will post the pics up asap. (sorry la guys, only managed to cut a few strings, bring some lanterns to the 'hangers' and curi some pins from the old notice boards. had the presentation thing ma. hehe)
not so great news
  1. need to do the speech outline by tonight.
  2. 3 tests on the same day next week - phil, psyc, fdsc (moral, psychology and food science) on thursday.. *murders*
  3. i think the moral lecturer is a total jackass!
  4. i have speech and psychology assigments la. (speech - hypnosis thingy. joseph's got denggi fever and i think estee's really busy.. with the redang trip and all. how ah! ; psychology - some neurons thingy.. structure, function and some effects thingy.. blek)
  5. oiks. got psychology replacement class on saturday la. 10 to 1. aiyo!
***end of updates***


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