today i'll post bout 2 things la. not speaking about anyone in particular, and not criticising also la. dont get offended la, if u think it's you. i am also a victim of it ok. hahahaha.. nothing personal, just trying to unravel the 'mystery'. hehehe =P
number one : i noticed that a lot of people use the term 'stone' when someone says something lame, obvious, when someone is staring into space; in their own world or when someone doesnt understand something. i must admit, this is a new term i learned this year. before, people were going "sweat!!! or swt". now, it's more of 'stoneeee'. maybe because i'm in a different environment also la. haha. anyway, according to my observations, they seem to mean almost the same thing. it's like when you're chatting on msn and someone says something and you'll just go "... or dot dot dot". thus, i have come to the conclusion that it means almost the same thing, these three things. so the other day, i was looking it up online to see if there is a concrete meaning to the 'stone' slang la. this was the closest to what i think it means; i found on wikipedia. if ure free u can go n search yourself la doi! hahaha
stone (not comparable)
Positive | Superlative |
- As a stone (used with following adjective).
- My father is stone deaf. This soup is stone cold.
- (slang) Absolutely, completely (used with following adjective).
- I went stone crazy after she left.
hmmn, doesnt really explain much. if anyone can give me a full explanation, it would be helpful lol!
number two: lately, i realise that ive been staring out into the space more often than usual. some people may refer it to "stoning" or "stone" la. maybe i have always been a 'stoner' but i think i only noticed it last year leh. jeng jeng. must change this 'illness' man. need to be more alert ba. of course, im talking about 'stone' as in terms of the daily slang we use in adp la. not that i throw stones at people la haiyoh. hmmn.. but the big question is, how do i 'mengikis' this habit? dont know what am i thinking also, when i'm staring out into space. not particularly thinking about anyone or anything even, not that i can remember of la. but this is really terrible la. cause like, when i'm staring into space, or 'in a different dimension', i'm like kinda blind to the outside world. so sometimes people wave at me, or talk to me, i am like so blind la, cannot see. it's not that i'm a snob or something and dont wanna wave back, it's just that i dont realise it. sorry la, if u waved at me before and i didnt notice. or even worse, sometimes people talk to me and i'm like so blurrrr! so freaking lagging.. after a few moments then i'll be like 'what? what? huh?'. heh, maybe because of this they'll think i'm a complete dumbo or something. mannn.. this is quite a bad disease. in class, i dont think i stone a lot wad. because cant stone in class wad, otherwise fail la! ok ok maybe i do stone in some classes.. like LAN or moral studies.... hahaha. but that's not my problem. hehehe... so i need to get out of my 'stoning mode'. any suggestions?
of course i'm not talking about this kind of stoning lah heish:
Stoning, or lapidation, refers to a form of capital punishment execution method carried out by an organized group throwing stones or rocks at the person they mean to execute.
Stoning has been used throughout history in a number of places as a form of capital punishment, both in the form of community justice and also as a judicial form of capital punishment. The practice is referred to in Greek history, as well as Christian, Jewish, and Islamic texts.

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