i have an eye infection la. Day number 3. I found out that it's supposedly called a stye. You can look it up on the net. Was given this antibiotic for my eye. Supposed to drop it into the eye; 2 drops 3 times a day. First few times Iris help me la, summore the first time this Joyce took a video. But will not post it up la, too embarrassing.
here, the some funny-name antibiotic that my dad got for my from the pharmacy nearby.

hmmn... i think it's less swollen than yesterday la, today seems a bit better. but sometimes kinda itchy also lor. haiyah! annoying la.

the antibiotic also a bit weird to me la. cause when u put it, after a while, it seems as though you can taste it at the back of your throat. jeng jeng. oh well, i guess because all those canals are somehow interconnected. haiyoh! if my eye continues to swell, big problem la! i'm gonna have this fairytale presentation soon wor! imagine.. i present with this scary-looking phenomenon. i will look more like the witch eh.. or the blind prince.. (my group's doing rapunzel).
ooooh. better go do smtg productive before i sleep. will update about my eye... maybe tomorrow. heh heh. this is terrible. sad case lah. blueks. hope no one's overly disgusted. chill la ok, the thing is on me la, if you're disgusted.. imagine what i'm feeling. hmpf. :(
aih. joyce punch you till so teruk. kelian.
yeala! haih. pity me la. joyce so violent! terrible! punch here punch there. now i look like a monster. blek. hehehhe
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