hmmn. it seems i have suddenly turned into a massively or super duper active blogger.
but i have this teeny itty bitty feeling that the "fire" is dying. haha.
ohwell. in college now.
supposed to have group discussion regarding the speech group thingie.
seems to me i'm the only one present.
joe's got denggi fever.
rachel's sick, apparently. only found out after i got here.
estee's missing. sms-ed her, but no reply.
walaoh. all ffk ah! so clever. lol
aiyah, it's been dragging on for too long dy.
better just get it done. over and done with ba.
so now the whole thing's complete, hope it's not too shitty.
simply do.. but at least..
finally la, assignment gao tim.
tmr just read out la, hope they dont ffk and make me read alone.
anyway, i only decided to blog now (i dont always blog in college okay, not much privacy ma. people next to me and behind me can just look over and read my *deepest darkest secrets* haha *yeah right..)...
as i was saying, i'm only blogging now to kill some time la..
the dumbo cleaners are at my apartment now. cleaning la.
haiyoh. this i must complain a bit here.
the dumb cleaners.
are u sure they clean the apartment or not!
everytime i come back, my stuff is always elsewhere and sometimes they mess up my stuff (eg. notes that i've separated into categoires), giving me nothing but headache.
one time, they even threw away all my newspaper cuttings of important news.
walaoh eh.
i was so freaking pissed and was damn close to losing it.
some more, they seem to like to steal our plastic bags.
thief la! now we use what to put into the rubbish bin? idiots.
and many things they do la, that gets on my nerves.
i was real close to murdering!

*nolah. im sane.
as my parents always say, "if they're so smart, u think they will work as cleaners ah?".
guess this quote applies to this situation.
but what to do.
i need people to sweep, mop, clean jamban, throw away rubbish, change the bed sheets, etc for me.
im not a spoilt brat la, ok. at home, i do odd jobs like this also wad.
it's only that i'm paying them to do it, see. included with the rent ma.
so at that, they might as well do a good job.
or i make some jobs for them la. give them some rubbish to throw la, and stuff like that.
if not what, they get paid to do nothing? dont think so!
see, we are actually helping people to stay out of jobs. "peluang pekerjaan" as we always learn last time.
we should be given an award! hehehehehehhehe =P~
ohwell. i think this is enough for now. will keep this blog updated, hopefully.
gotta go study dy la. a lot of tests this week.
and gluck to all SAM people. i know u have trials this week.

and err.. gluck to all who's having test la, in case got other people having test that i do not know of. (im being kept in the dark! =P hehe)
okidokies. take care everyone =)
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