Lian Ni

Siapa dengan siapa?

the big big pig. owes sleep till so late one.

how can there be no ada in my post?? ada in vancouver last year.

my daisy dog. haha. not duck.

wad the mr LEE saved into my thumbdrive for me. gila one.
cas forced me to do this if i wanted to use her comp. oh well.. hehe. pics time!
oops this was supposed to be on top but nvm lar, u can understand anyway...
argh the next 5 pics din come out. oops then too bad. nothing much also anyway.. just elaine's patrick, erm erm erm erm erm i kinda forgotten the other 4. hmmmm.. oh, a pic at pizza hut and the rest really forgot liao. so not my problem ar, the pics wont come out. i uploaded it!! hehe
argh i got disconnected heish cant watch my video oh well.
anutoradiography autradiography soon in my dremas i'll be reciting bc i dunno wad the heck is autoradiography.. which means my infosearch = die. fail. oh no then... i dare not think ler... darn darn should have chosen magnetic bubble memory it's sure easier mannnnn..
tmr got bio practical, guess wad we're going to do? learn how to use microscope. thn we have to wear lab coat. why?? who cares just wear lah. fun anyway...
this thursday is holiday!! hehe lifeline ppl mst prob bringing us to some bukit thingy go play. yayyyyyy i want to go out of subang. of course, i want to go n watch wang lee hom concert. provided my results uphold the tradition (if it comes out by then) oh no somehow i just feel like as if i cant go. oh no.. what if.... what if...
okla i lazy to type liao. cas this isnt very short is it? improvement la... cas is sleeping now. it's 2.23pm. i have two pigs sleeping beside me.. one on my left and one on my right haiyor. like this mang yik. i say sth she asleep still can smile smile at me one. freaky. and that so poh i ask her sth she keep quiet. but that's natural bc she's asleep. so there's no connection now, how am i going to publish post this??
haiya anyway that's all for now, enjoy..
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