Thursday, December 13, 2007


aiyoks. actually amanda tagged me like ages ago la.. but was too lazy to do.. *secretly hoping everyone would forget about it..* then manalah tau this karmen also tag me regarding the same thing.. well almost the same thing la..

from manda's blog:
a) Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
b) Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).
c) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
d) Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
(screw half a, half c and d. I malas)

from karmen's blog:
The rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)
Let them know they’ve been tagg

aiyoiks. oklah. i'll do 8 facts and erm tag 8 people.. but won't link them and stuff la.. like manda said.. malas. :P~


Fact #1
when i play halo 2 on the xbox with my cousin, my favourite weapon is the rocket launcher.. hahaha i just like to blast people cause these shots are very powerful. waiting for him to get his xbox 360 so he can play halo 3 on it. apparently it's the best game of the year or some shit la.. and the xbox 360 gives a better view and allows more effects.. or so he claims. but the point is, i like blasting people with the rocket launcher especially when they're on a vehicle.. haha.. call me violent.. :P

Fact #2
okay.. the next thing is that i like the cow game on the wii. yesh. have u heard of it? it's quite a kiddish game hahaha.. it's all about seeing how many scarecrows u can knock down.. i tend to knock a lot of trees =.= but i kinda like it. maybe it's cause i always get a good laugh when i play it. it seems so silly when u knock the trees down. :P

fact #3
i have absolutely zero patience tolerance. really. i am so not a huge fan of suspense stories so i dont really fancy those drama kind of serials. if i did, i would have to watch the whole series all in one go, otherwise i wouldn't be able to sleep.. i mean those action movies that last about an hour and a half or two is okay.. i can take that. but im just a very impatient person overall. haha

fact #4
i am a cranky bitch in the morning. yesss.. when i wake up.. regardless what time, i'm usually very grouchy and have this very lansi look haha. give me an hour or two to get out of my sleepy mode, and i should be fine. but before that, i think i'd be a better idea to just leave me. i might hurt you. verbally or physically. haha. just kidding.. but who knowss :P

fact #5
yesh, i am a major sleeper. not slacker la.. just sleeper only.. i need like at least 10 hours of sleep. otherwise i'd still feel sleepy the whole day. andd.. i can sleep at any time of the day. really! i can just lie down on the bed for a bit and before u know it, i'm asleep. usually at the wrong time cause then sometimes at night, i can't sleep =.=

fact #6
i have a baby pillow.. well a bolster actually. yeah. i have it. and subject closed. :P

fact #7
okay. now this is a weird fact about me. everytime before i leave the loo, i will flush the toilet and wash my hands. even if i didn't use the toilet bowl at all. seriously. like if i went into a loo to grab some toilet paper, i'd flush the toilet bowl, wash my hands, then leave. weird, huh?

fact #8
ooh. u know what? i actually have a part time job now. yeah! at my uncle's beach club during the weekends. as a bartender o.O hahaha.. no cocktails la so no shaking the silver bottle up and down and doin some fancy tricks.. haha. but i think i'm gonna get some nice tan over the hols.. haha it's a beach club anyway right.

aight. so there u have it. and now.. i tag..



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