*hyperventilating* ^^
tests, assignments, lab report... handed up and done with TO-DAY! phew. but calculus, my heart aches for you.
and im not hyperventilating because of this... it's cause.... I FOUND OUT EDISON HAS A BLOG!!!!! in english too!!! wheeeeeee!!! thanks belle, for telling me :) :) :) want the link??? hehehe ok ok
the second one is actually the official website for the clothing chain. something like edison owns it or something. but anyway, the important thing is, this is a really cool site, and edison blogs in it too! :)
cool la, especially since it's in english :) im so happy :)
hmmmns, am wondering where to buy whipped cream or fresh cream to go with my juicy strawberries. dont see them in 7-11. and im too freaking lazy to walk all the way to carrefour. heh. just eat it raw la. looks kinda huge and juicy too. yum! to encourage the eatings of strawberries, lemme just put a pic of strawberries (from google a, too lazy to take a pic of my box of strawberries heheheh)
lol, karmen even suggested that i eat it with melted chocolate... then it'll be something like fondue! hahahaks, sounds mouth-watering, maybe i'll try it someday. right now, i think it's a tad too troublesome lol! but thanks for the idea anyway ;) hahahaha

yes, yes :)
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